
I feel it would be easy to make a commercial for Wanchese Christian Academy! I love this school, commitment and community presence. Having been among the first students to enroll in WCA, in the fall of 1978, has allowed me to see much growth in WCA. After attending from Kindergarten through the twelfth grade, and being the first to experience: curriculum changes, uniform updates, championships, I graduated and continued my education at the local community college. I returned to Wanchese Christian Academy as a teacher and continue to learn. I concentrate more on my passion of academic excellence in the areas of science and mathematics. Also, my creativity has chance to play out in the Publications class.

On “pi day” (3.14. 17), in a chapel service God did an undeniable work in my physical body and He deserves all the praise. Thus, my favorite Scripture at this time is Exodus 15:26 says “…for I am the LORD that heals you.” 

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